The Museum of Futures is a community space. It can be anything you want it to be. Here are some examples of how it has been used so far.

Retro Gaming Arcade Workshop
The front room of the museum has been used to hold many workshops. One example was a workshop to build a two-player retro gaming table, using a Raspberry Pi, a monitor, an Ikea table and some arcade machine components. We followed these build instructions over two weekends.

Electronics Workshop
In the Electronics Maker Workshop for children, we built a sound activated flashing badge. Starting with a breadboard prototype, we went on to solder components onto circuit board, and wear our creations home.

Beef Butchery and Cooking Masterclass
Chef Neil Rankin and local butcher Kevin Jennings used the museum to demonstrate beef cutting and cooking techniques.
They talked about how to use cheaper cuts of meat using recipes from Neil’s new book Low and Slow, How to Cook Meat. Attendees brought their own drinks, and spent the evening enjoying delicious tasters.